We have the update and did not experience the problem you mentioned in either
MailBook94 or MailBook95. Perhaps you should contact Richard Schafer directly
at [log in to unmask]
On Mon, 21 Aug 1995 15:32:01 +0000 gARY kLASS said:
>Has anyone undergone a change from RiceMail to Mailbook
>(as has, I guess, Mizzou1.missouri.edu)?
>the forward command is now resend, which is fine.
>But the "mail" command generates outgoing mail, instead of a view of the
>message index.  I can't figure out what replaces the old mail command.
>gary klass
>editor, psrt-l
>Gary Klass
>Department of Political Science
>Illinois State University
>Normal Illinois 61790-4699
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