> Actually there's an easier way (do a GET (NOLOCK, QUIET SET listname MAIL
> NODIGEST FOR *@*, send your mail, PUT the original list back.  But it's still
> sloppy and not recommended because with the list in an unlocked state, people
> can still sub, unsub, and change options, meaning that you might zap some
> things with the re-PUT.  I do NOT recommend this.  I repeat, I do NOT
> recommend this.  The DISTRIBUTE job that I recommended earlier is the
> way this should be done.
Why don't you just build in a feature for list owners to send to the list
and it bypasses the digest flag, for all users?  Regular subscribers
could not post in this way, only list owners and postmasters.  It ought
to be available to any list owners, not just the ones technically
confident and proficient enough to submit complicated DISTRIBUTE jobs
(ok, not complicated to you - but it will be to some people).