On Tue, 12 Sep 1995, Peter Milbury wrote:
> Those that I have dealt with seem to be resolved by dropping the extra
> preliminary string in the IP address: DUB-GW-13
> and the correct address becomes:  [log in to unmask]
You misread the message.  I *am* using the correct address.  It's
CompuServe that insists that I am not.
I spoke to them on the phone and they were "not aware of any problems".
Mail continues to bounce ...
They did mention that they are offering new end-user software that allows
users to reject mail from outside CIS - could users be misusing or
misunderstanding the software?
Peter Laws<[log in to unmask]>| Note: This .sig not Windows95(tm) compatible
[log in to unmask] |<A HREF="http://comp.uark.edu/~plaws/">geek</A>