Why was this sent to my mailbox?  I can't find anything in the message
itself to indicate why it bounced?  Tia
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Date: Mon, 25 Sep 1995 11:53:51 -0400
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From: Nancy Leaver <[log in to unmask]>
To: owner-grunge-l <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: Better than Ezra
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 95 11:45:00 PDT
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I agree BTE is a little redundant, but not the kind of redundant that you
get sick of, if that makes any sense.  porcelain is my favorite track too, &
i like teenager & the killer inside too.  if you're not sure about buying
it, stop at your nearby listening stand & check it out for yourself.  as for
the gin blossoms, they never really worked for me.  but i would agree with
recommending toad over BTE.
Poster:       Jeffrey McFarlane <[log in to unmask]>
Subject:      Re: Better than Ezra
Better Than Ezra might be filed next to the Gin Blossoms.  Only weaker.
I heard "Found Out About You" on the way in the morning.  It still works
for me.  The song, "Porcelain" on _Deluxe_ (BtE) is the best track,
IMArrogantO.  It's drumless and redundant, but has the sappy, dreamy
melodicism that I can dig at times.  I deleted my review from before,
but basically, it's very redundant and it's redundantly redundant,
along with being redundant on top of its redundance.  Tape "Good" and
"In the Blood..." off the radio, and listen to them till you puke.
The diversity of the album ain't much deeper, so don't waste your money.
who would recommend Toad the Wet Sprocket over Better Than Ezra
On Sep 25, Al Penhall wrote:
> Hi All,
> I remember reading a little about Better than Ezra on the list a
> while ago, anyhow the CD has shown up in my local store and I'm
> thinking of getting it. However it's abit awkward trying to have a
> preview listen to the album in the store so can someone please give a
> review of the album, or even an indication as to what other bands
> Better than Ezra might be "filed" next to?
> Al.
> saying non to french nuclear testing
> ... oh, and I caught the new Nick Cave and Kyle Minogue video clip.
> I may have to alter the normal loathing I feel for Kyle's music now
> as I liked the song ... but then most anything with Nick is
> worthwhile.