Does anyone know of a LISTSERV site that "rents" lists?
I have a 11,000 person list running on a majordomo at
COLOSSUS.NET.  The list is called "TOURBUS" and is a free
virtual tour of some of the Internet's neatest sites.
The list traffic is only two letters a week (at about
150 to 200 lines per letter), and I'm paying COLOSSUS.NET
about $1500 a year to run my list on their site.
I'd much rather run this list on a LISTSERV, and I would
be willing to pay the same (or more) to do this.
Any suggestions?
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    |-| '-' \    } ))    HTTP://UA1VM.UA.EDU/~CRISPEN/CRISPEN.HTML
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  '---.~_ _ _&                       Warning: squirrels.