On Mon, 16 Oct 1995, Sylvia Caras wrote:
> I have a new co-owner.  Part of the address varies.  I set the
> header as:
[snip -- @u.washington.edu vs. @homer16.u.washington.edu]
Tell your new co-owner to go to Pine's main menu. Hit S(etup), then C(onfig=
The second line down will be "user-domain." This needs to be set to
"u.washington.edu"  Lastly, the very bottom option of the Config screen is
"use-only-domain-name", and this needs to be set to YES.=20
Sorry for posting this to LSTOWN-L instead of privately...
--Mike Andersson
     email address: <[log in to unmask]>                            @
     ICBM address:  47=B039'13.0"N, 122=B018'39.4"W                        =
=09Witty(?) saying:  Remember: Always pillage before you burn.