Does the ADDREQ1 (the text in the MAILTPL file sent to new subscribers)
function work if the list is set to Subscription= Editor (or any address for
that matter).  We have amended this file to send a sign-up form - it works fine
with Send=By_Owner...
This problem arose when one of list editor's was assigned the screening/sign-up
duties for the list.  He was unable to do this as the list was set to
Send=By_owner.  To do this, we set his address to=Owner.  The problem
that occurred was all messages to listname-request were sent to BOTH people
listed as owner.  We want the editors to have permission to sign up new folks
and the listname-request posts to go to the owner (me).  If the
Subscription=Editor works with the ADDREQ1 file function, we'll be ok.
Thanks for the help,
Ray the novitiate...
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