Dear friend,
Appeal: Listserv Site Needed for Free Online Newsletter
I am James Low -- a publisher of Multimedia Ebooks -- dedicated to the
research and publication of healthy, informational and enriching topics.
Well I am currently setting up a Free Newsletter on the Internet dedicated
to Passion and Romance.
It will be a healthy 2-page fortnightly newsletter dedicated to helping
young people with their relationship problems.
Every 2 weeks, subscribers will receive via e-mail a Newsletter offering
them a tip on meeting their dream partners, dating, building an intimate and
enriching relationship, and choosing a life partner.
Following is a brief Introduction of the Newsletter:-
Introducing  * PassionFRUIT * ... ...
First Online Newsletter Dedicated to Passion & Romance ... ...
Distributed Fortnightly FREE includes:-
- how to meet your dream partner
- how to get that all important first date
- What to do on dates -- how to make your dates sizzle ...
- how to keep your dates coming
- how to build a deeper & more intimate relationship
- how to make YOU an Attractive person & lots of other love tips
1 SIZZLING love tip per fortnightly issue - delivered to Your
Mailbox FREE on 1st & 15th monthly!
To subscribe, simply e-mail to [log in to unmask] -- In the
body/content, type SUBSCRIBE PASSIONFRUIT. Its as simple as that!
            * Serving the Network Community Since 1980 *
The listserv server would handle the subscription requests; and distribute
the 2-page newsletter automatically on the 1st and 15th of each month.
Of course, it will use very little of your network resources as Listserv
only needs to send out the Newsletter 2 times a month -- on the 1st and 15th.
Only I will be able to send a message (the newsletter) to the list ( eg.
[log in to unmask] ); then Listserv would distribute the Newsletter to
the subscribers.
Special Mention will be given to the Listserv Sponsor.
The idea of setting up this Newsletter dawned upon me as I feel the advices
would be of great use to the many young people on the Internet. Of course,
advices given would be carefully researched, possibly offered by renowned
psychologists / counsellors.
Any Site interested in hosting our Free Newsletter, please email to
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*PassionFRUIT -- First Online Newsletter Dedicated to Passion & Romance*
Thank You.
James Low
Copyright 1995 James Low. All Rights Reserved.
James Low
Multimedia Ebooks Publisher
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