On Fri,  17 Nov  1995 02:34:46  -0500 Paul  Graham <[log in to unmask]>
>(the last time i looked at the stats page listserv.acsu wasn't on it.)
These are monthly statistics so it takes a while for a new server to show
>i also  feel i  don't know enough  about listserv to  adjust the  way it
I doubt LISTSERV is a problem or bottleneck here.
>if lsmtp  will have 900-2,000 smtp  connections open at once  do you use
>listserv to  setup delivery transactions  in groups of 100  (or whatever
>value is useful) or do you  do something completely different that gives
>you useful work for all those delivery threads?
With LSMTP you just hand out the messages in chunks of say 2500 addresses
or so. The  more the better, but on  the other hand it does  take a while
for all these RCPT TO to be  acknowledged and you want to keep the engine
busy, not waiting for a large bunch of RCPT TO to be 250ed. Anyway, LSMTP
is self-tuning.