> Resent-From:  is the moderator address, Resent-To:  is the list
> address, Resent-Date:  is obvious (although, I don't believe this
> field actually shows up anywhere, so it could probably be bogus),
> From:  is the original poster's address, and Date:  is the date of the
> original post...
> Incidentally, no one's asked for my script...  I guess this wasn't as
> big a deal as everyone was making out...  :-)
 I just joined the list and this is a topic I'm very interested in.  If your
script allows a way to change messages appearing as all sent by the listsowner,
I would very much be interested in it.  Or if anyone else knows of some info.
I'd appreciate it.  Meanwhile I'll search the list archives.  Thanks!
Dirk Cushenbery