On Sun, 12 Nov 1995, Nathan Brindle wrote:
> >On Sun, 12 Nov 1995, Winship wrote:
> >> set REVIEW (on probation as it were), you put it in your Default-Options.
> >> When you do this I believe everyone already subscribed will be "quietly"
> >> set to REVIEW so you may want to do a quiet set noreview *@* for your
> Categorically NO.  Defining Default-Options/Default-Topics does not change
> any options for existing subscribers.
Thanks for the correction, Nathan.  I made several changes to list headers
at the same time a while back and couldn't recall for sure which ones
were retroactive and which weren't.
Now, putting RENEW in the Default-Options *does* work retroactively, at
least it did for AUTOCAT, to my cost.  I hadn't expected it as most of
the keywords don't work retroactively, but RENEW sure did.  If it ain't
supposed to there must'a been a bug somewhere, as 3500+ subscribers were
set to RENEW as soon as I changed the header.
       Douglas Winship   Hays County, Texas  [log in to unmask]
                    Secondary AUTOCAT Listowner