Poster:       Mark Hunnibell <[log in to unmask]>
>> 2. You agree to not copy or extract, systematically or manually,
>> any information from IAF for commercial purposes.
>> 7. All information submitted by you for inclusion in IAF will
>> become part of a database, the compilation copyright for which
>> is owned exclusively by Innovation Insights.
>The first one is patently offensive, because that is the EXACT means
>that they used to compile their data, trampling on the individual
>policies of each list they mined.
>The second one is even more serious.  They are copyrighting people's
>names and addresses without their consent.
As long as IAF remains free, they are *not* using the info for commercial
purposes, are they?
Second, although they cannot copyright the INFORMATION, they *can*
copyright the compilation, which is exactly what they have done.
>Not one of the "Frequently Asked Questions" is the one that I
>already know the answer to:
>   Did any of these alleged three million people actually give you
>   permission to use their name and e-mail address in your for-profit
>   company and to then copyright their name?
I can answer that.  I never provided these people with information -- it's
not something I do.  Even my home phone number is unlisted.  And I
routinely set all my subscriptions to CONCEAL where this option is
available (e.g. listserv (TM)).  And yet my name, e-mail address, AND PLACE
OF EMPLOYMENT WITH *ITS* SNAILMAIL ADDRESS, are in their database.  It is
marked as having been updated "11/10/95" (either 11 October 1995, when I
was out of the country!, or 10 November 1995, which is certainly recently
enough that I would remember having been asked to have my name and
information entered into their database).
>Send mail to [log in to unmask] if this whole thing just bugs you silly.
Oh, I did, I did.  I'll be interested to see if they delete my entry, as I
requested they do.  This doesn't just bug me silly, it INFURIATES me.
>Mark Hunnibell                  Email: [log in to unmask]
Mario Rups
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