Dear Fellow List-owners:
Many of us are implicitly or explicitly involved in the study/use
of computer-mediated-communications (CMC).
Here are some references to journal articles that would no doubt
interest you.
/Pete Weiss -- Penn State
  - - The original note follows - -
               Published by the Department of Education
               University of Maryland Baltimore County
           Additional support provided Georgetown University
1. Letter from the Editor
As many of you know, IPCT-J s original editor, Gerald M. Phillips (GMP),
passed away on April 26th, 1995.  Since that time, we have received
numerous requests to dedicate an IPCT-J issue to him.   In response to
those requests, we are publishing two articles in this issue about GMP and
his work in computer-mediated-communication (CMC).
The first article, titled _Creating a Real Group in a Virtual World_ is a
transcription of GMP's last public lecture.   In this article, GMP
describes how he became involved with using computers as a medium for
teaching.   His story is a personal history from an early educational
pioneer in CMC.  GMP's perspective should be of particular interest to
people using CMC in educational contexts.
To retrieve this article GET GMP1.IPCTV3N4
In contrast to educational CMC, the second article describes social
interactions.  It is adapted from a book that GMP and I were working on at
the time of his death.   GMP's most recent research was on internet
interpersonal relationships.   In this article, _Is Your Epal an Ax
Murder?_, we explore his observation that internet correspondence is real
and not virtual.   Moreover, we discuss some of the consequences that occur
from making online friendships.
To retrieve this article GET GMP2.IPCTV3N4
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