John Chadwick <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> I am trying to setup a listserv discussion group as a moderated group, but I
> want the header information to include the original poster. An excellent
> example of what I have seen working is with Edtech on the MSU system.
Thanks John,
Alas, I still want to know the same thing you do.  EDTECH looks the
way it does because we moderate it directly from an IBM, not from
a Unix system or from Eudora.  Ricemail (the mail system we use on
the IBM generates resent lines, which make the
moderated postings come out with an Approved by: line
for the Moderator and a From: that shows the original sender.
This looks good on our Usenet feed, and makes it easy to identify
the real sender when we convert to HTML with Hypermail.
But it's expensive, and they want us to move to Eudora or to
a Unix system to avoid online costs.  We haven't figured out how
to generate the resent lines this way.  Several people have offered
opinions, when I've asked in the past.  Usually they suggest using
bounce (won't work because we edit every outgoing message to reduce
requoted junk, etc.)  Or they suggest using some fairly elaborate
schemes of copying and pasting. (Too time consuming when you do an
average of 30-60 messages a day.)   Someone has suggested that the
UNIX  MH mail handler would enable us to generate the resent lines
we need, but I haven't been able to penetrate how it works yet.
No one has yet suggested a workable offline possibility.  My big hope is
that an upgrade to Eudora or another one of the offline mail programs
will soon turn out to generate the right information.  If someone
knows about one that does, please tell us.  Otherwise, perhaps
some update to Pine, Elm or one of the other mailers will do it,
but so far I haven't heard that one does.
So until we get another solution we continue to use Ricemail on the
IBM, but I hope your message will generate a reply from someone
who knows of a new mail system that will structure the outgoing
mail in a way that would please Listserv and let the moderated
messages still appear to come from the original sender.
Vickie Banks
EDTECH Owner/Editor
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