I have been testing the mechanism to set a single subscriber to review.
It works great; I like it very much.  However, the subscriber is
notified, when he posts, that their message has been sent to the list owner
for review.  I would prefer that subscriber not get that notification.
How can it be disabled?  That way, from the subscribers point of view,
the list is operating normally and the subscriber will not realize they
are under "scrutiny".  This would be especially useful to use with a new
subscription that had a slightly unusual name that made the owner worry
about a spam, but there is not enough to go on to actually deny the
subscription.  So you put them under review for a few days or weeks to
see how it goes.
Similarly, if the subscriber is set to review and they query their
subscription status, they see that they are under the review status.
That is slightly less important to control, as they will not check this
that often; but it would be nice to control this also.
<SIG> Kevin J. Sinclair = [log in to unmask]      [USA-Pacific Time Zone]
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