I would like to be able to edit the listname-l mailtpl file for my
list. My list maintainer installed one for me on our LISTSERV/VM system
creating a BOTTOM_BANNER (works fine) but....
  The brief section of the Manual quoted below implies that I should be
able to edit this file once it has been created.  Thus far, I have been
unable to to do this.  When I sent:
> tell listserv get ped-em-l mailtpl
I got this response:
> * File "PED-EM-L MAILTPL" is unknown to LISTSERV.
Am I missing something simple?  I'd rather not bother the busy list
maintainer in order to tinker with the MAILTPL file.
     -- Dale Steele LISTOWNER: PED-EM-L
> 9.5. Storing the <listname>.MAILTPL file on the host machine
> The procedure differs slightly on VM systems, but the following will work
> for unix, VMS and Windows systems:
> 1. Get a copy of DEFAULT.MAILTPL and edit it.
> 2. Be sure that you have defined a "personal password" to LISTSERV with
> the PW ADD command before you PUT the template file. If you have done this
> but can't remember the password, send a PW RESET command to LISTSERV, then
> a new PW ADD command.
> .
> 3. Send the file to LISTSERV with a PUT listname MAILTPL PW=XXXXXXXX
> command at the top of the file, just as if you were storing the list
> itself.  Replace XXXXXXXX with your personal password.
> The variation for VM systems is that the LISTSERV maintainer will have to
> create a fileid for the file before you can PUT it on the server. Contact
> the LISTSERV maintainer before trying to store your template file.