On    Tue,     7    Nov     1995    21:02:14    -0500     Ray    Magauran
<[log in to unmask]> said:
>I have received  a strange error message. It starts  off with an address
>delivery error, then the "Transcipt" lists  a bunch of email addresses -
>all  currently subscribed  to the  list with  a variety  of reasons  for
>problems,  most timeouts.  Is this  normal? Why  am I  only seeing  this
>recently? Is there anything I should do?
It's a feature of  sendmail, when there's one hard error  in the batch it
decides you  probably want to  know about  all the temporary  errors it's
still working on.  UB is switching its LISTSERV mail  delivery from VM to
unix, so  that's why it's  only been happening recently.  There's nothing
you can do about it.