Well, I have just figured out one of my own questions!  Remember I had taken
the notebook to NO, to eliminate archives a few days ago (duh) guess that
eliminates digests as well.  So resetting the notebook settings back to the
previous header format, hoping that will set back up nicely again.
And the other problem, with the subscriber who does not see her own posts
continues to be a question,
thanks everyone,
At 11:30 AM 12/25/95 -0500, you wrote:
>Hello, and Merry Christmas to everyone,
>   I have 2 problems with the mail server right now I need to figure out.
>I have one person who wishes to receive the digest, she set the system that
>way, and has received only 2 digests, 12/19 and 12/20 and nothing since
>then.  How do I check to assure the digest is set for daily sends, and to
>check her digest settings.  There have been several posts since then, so she
>should have been receiving more digests.
>I have another subscriber who cannot see her own sends...so she sends them
>over and over, thinking they are not getting through, until someone answers
>her.  How can we check her settings to make sure she receives her own
>letters back as posts to the group.
>Thank you for you help...which has been so much already,
>   Annie's World
>   http://www.tir.com/~annie
   Annie's World