Where can I get a copy of the list owners manual?
At 02:59 PM 11/29/95 EST, you wrote:
>On Wed, 29 Nov 1995 15:09:31 EST Larry Eckley said:
>>As a novice list owner, I am having trouble with the welcome message.
>>I have a custom message which goes out ok, but the 'canned' message also is
>>delivered for each subscriber.  How do I disable this?  Thanx
>You would make a listname.MAILTPL file for your list and disable the
>SIGNUP1 template.
>>>> SIGNUP1
>is all you would need.  However, I think I'd migrate the welcome
>file into the $SIGNUP template instead, rather than disabling that
>template.  There's a lot of good information in it that probably
>ought to go to the new subscriber.  You could tack your welcome
>message on top of the "canned" text.
>See Chapter 9 of the List Owner's Manual for more info.