> > I got no replies so I'll ask again, perhaps my question wasn't clear.
> > One can have Renewal= 3-Monthly.  Can one have Renewal= 3-Yearly
> > or does Yearly not accept such specification?
> How about 36-monthly?
You can also specify a specific date for the renewal, e.g. RENEWAL=98/12/01
or use the term BI-YEARLY for every two years. The documentation doesn't
specifically mention 3-yearly, but since the syntax is supported for MONTHLY,
it probably is for YEARLY as well. Try it.
|  And the #1 thing you can do to help the  |        Peter C.S. Adams      |
|  environment is ... become a vegetarian.  |    Univ. of Mass. at Boston  |
|             Ask me why!                   |     co-listowner, PAGEMAKR   |