On Sun, 3 Dec 1995 02:31:06 -0600  Lenon Chang <[log in to unmask]> had
>Where can I get the latest or last copy of LISTSERV? I've found the free
>version of LISTPROC but am kind of scared to try it.
That's wise.
>I'm trying to setup a Mailing List for my school discussion group where
>when a user in that group sends mail to this Mailing List account, the
>server will in return RESEND as the Mailer the actual mail the original sender
>has sent out.  When another user replies to it, he replies to the
>Mailing list account rather than the original user.
>Can LISTSERV handle this kind of scenario? I just need a simple system and
Yes -- definitely it can.. It can even handle tougher scenarios. We manage
close to 100 lists, and we have all combinations possible :)