        I've just started a new listserv.  I am trying to figure out how to
transmit the name of my listserv to the 'global' list.
        Can anyone advise?  I've read the listserv book with no luck.
q----------------------------Fred Atkinson-----------------------------p
}Graduate Student/Johns Hopkins University/Telecommunications Management{
             }B.S. National Louis University/Management{
  }A.S. Midlands Technical College/Electronics Engineering Technology{
             }Extra Class Amateur Radio Operator/WB4AEJ{
    }Licensed General Class Commercial Radiotelephone Technician{
   }N.A.R.T.E. Certified First Class Telecommunications Technician{
                }Second Degree Blackbelt/Tae Kwon Do{
            }Home Page: http://www.radix.net/~fatkinson{
           }Home Page: http://home.navisoft.com/fatkinson{
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