If there is a Mac Eudora guru on this list, please contact me at
<[log in to unmask]>.  I seriously believe that my life as a
listowner would be a heck of a lot easier if I moved my personal
mail off of VM mailbook, but I can not find the Eudora equivalent
for a lot of the mailbook commands that I use every day, like
"REPLY TEXT (FILE fn ft" and "RESEND listname (FILE fn ft"
   (\__/)  .~    ~. ))
   /O O  ./      .'               Patrick Douglas Crispen
  {O__,   \    {                   [log in to unmask]
    / .  . )    \                The University of Alabama
    |-| '-' \    } ))    http://ua1vm.ua.edu/~crispen/crispen.html
   .(   _(   )_.'
  '---.~_ _ _&                       Warning: squirrels.