Since the VATICAN2 FILELIST has a PUT FAC of N/A:
Date:         Wed, 24 Jan 1996 13:01:22 -0500
From:         "L-Soft list server at TEMPLEVM (1.8b)" <[log in to unmask]>
> q f vatican2 filelist (fl
Filelist entry from NOTEBOOK FILELIST:
filename filetype   GET PUT rfm lrecl nrecs   date     time   description
-------- --------   --- --- --- ----- ----- -------- -------- -----------
VATICAN2 FILELIST   ALL N/A V      95   N/A 96/01/24 12:53:26
- This file is a LISTSERV filelist.
- This file is local to [log in to unmask]
- This file is mapped to "VATICAN2 FILELIST" on the 191 minidisk.
- AFD mode: Delayed
- FUI mode: Delayed
and an INDEX of NOTEBOOK does NOT show a FILELIST for VATICAN2,
just the LOGyyxxx files, I would agree with Bill.G that the
LISTSERV maintainer needs to do some work before you continue.
Pete Weiss at Penn State