> Can I set certain users to receive mail only?
> We have a list on campus that many people use. Certain individuals love to
> flood this list with propoganda, nonsense, and garbage. Upper management says
> that it is NOT an option to delete them from the list.
If you have 1.8b (maybe it works in 1.8a also, don't remember) you can set
them to REVIEW (their postings are sent to you for approval) or you can
set them to NOPOST and they can't post to the list but can receive mail.
Or, you can put their addresses in your Filter= line in the header;
they'll get mail but can't post.  Of course, with this last, if they
unsubscribe, or are deleted, they can't resubscribe.  Your "Upper
Management" might not like that.
       Douglas Winship   Hays County, Texas  [log in to unmask]
                    Secondary AUTOCAT Listowner