>You'll need to get a A&M student, faculty, or staff member to sponsor
>the list.  You can be a co-owner if you wish.  I'll go ahead and send
>you the list setup questonaire and the list owner duties files for now.
>Please have any other cooresponance go to [log in to unmask] (since this
>account can't do any listserv management).
>Chris Barnes                                 (409) 846-3273 (home)
>[log in to unmask]                        (409) 845-9553 (work)
>"If you have tried to do something and failed, you are vastly better
>  off than if you had tried to do nothing and succeeded."
>   - back of a pack of sugar at "Delux Burger Bar",
>                                College Station, TX
Hi Chris - since we are joining you in the A & M system, I'd
be interested in the form you use, if you have a copy in electronic
   -------- Bob Wier ----- [log in to unmask] -----
  East Texas State University Computer Science Dept.
   keeper of the Photo-3d, Motorola MC68HC11, ICOM
    Radio, Overland-Trails mailing lists and the
         LDS Genealogy State Research Outlines
      "Error, no keyboard - Press F1 to continue"