> My own Pine email says:
>     [The following text is in the "ISO-2022-JP" character set]
>     [Your display is set for the "US-ASCII" character set]
>     [Some characters may be displayed incorrectly]
> when I try  to look at their direct  mail.  When their mail goes  through
> Listserv, it  looks   like encoded ASCII and   doesn't  seem to offer  to
> translate.
Pine is  looking at character  set as defined  by MIME (Multimedia Internet
Mail Extensions  ...  I think).   I think  LISTSERV  eats some of the  MIME
headers, which are   telling Pine what to  do,   when you use  its  default
subscription  settings ...  try setting    your list subscription to   IETF
(i.e. tell LISTSERV  "SET listname IETF")  and see if  that does the trick.
If it does, you'll need to do
        SET listname IETF FOR *@*
and then put
into the list header.
"Add one little bit on the end. Think of `potato,' how's it spelled? You're
right phonetically, but what else?" (The student respells it as "potatoe.")
"There ya go! Alright!"  [Dan Quayle, at an elementary school spelling bee]