At 07:45 PM 1996/02/21 -0500, Vickie Banks wrote:
>We've just started a list on Japanese History which wants to be bilingual.
>Not just bilingual, but they want some messages to come through listserv
>in Japanese characters and some in ASCII characters so that everyone can
>receive either type with no problem.  They say they can get this effect on
>their regular email.
We have two lists that run (more or less) in Japanese. They use JIS coding
and they can switch back and forth between Kanji and ASCII characters.  I
will send you directly our help file on Japanese.
The switch back and forth between Kanji and ASCII is controlled by an escape
sequence.  In order for this to work with LISTSERV lists, the "Translate=
No" list keyword must be specified.  The default of "Translate= Yes" causes
LISTSERV to delete control characters from the messages.  Escape sequences
do not work well when the <esc> codes are deleted.  ;-)
                               Peace,  Dan
<<  Daniel D. Wheeler - Education & Psychology, Univ. of Cincinnati  >>
<<  KIDLINK Director of Educational Services & Subscription Manager  >>
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