Any one suggest something for use on PC's that will extract individual messages
for printing rather than doing it manually as suggested in this message.
Thanks in advance.
* Originally from [log in to unmask] (1:106/270.6) to Susan King.
* Original dated: Mon Feb 26, 19:07
From org!jewishgen!support 26 Feb 96 20:35:00 -0600 remote from cgsg
From: [log in to unmask]
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 1996 21:07:33 -0400 (EDT)
Message-Id: <[log in to unmask]>
X-Listname: [log in to unmask] (JewishGen Support)
To: [log in to unmask] (Multiple recipients of [log in to unmask]
(JewishGen Support))
Can you  suggest a method for extracting or printing individual message
that comes in daily digests? What I have resorted to is do a extract
command and then scrolling through document and selecting segment of message
and copying and pasting into split window in which open Word is active.
Could not a program be written that will lift segment of digest by message
number and enabling copy of the latter? Thanks. Gerald S. Borman. jerryb@
 - Origin:  (1:106/270.6)