We have many list subscribers with addresses at our old CMS machine,
SUVM. Currently, we have forwarding capability for mail sent to (some)
SUVM addresses, but that goes away in the near future. To avoid hassles
for our users and list owners, I want to replace the SUVM addresses in
the lists with the addresses in our forwarding file. My procedure is as
 -q all lists for SUVM addresses
 -parse the subscription information, and create
    *delete SUVM address
    *add the correct address
    *set listserv options
My major concern is with addresses in the signup file. I don't want to
replace entries in the signup file (if they already exist), so I don't
want to include the full name on all of the adds.  Yet if I add someone
who isn't in the signup file, and I don't include their full name, the add
will fail. Examples:
List foo has two suvm addresses, suedoe@suvm (Susan Doe) and joebrown@suvm
(Joseph Brown). Susan Doe has her SUVM mail forwarded to
[log in to unmask], is also subscribed to several lists at that address,
with full name "Prof. Susan X. Doe".  Joseph Brown has his SUVM mail
forwarded to [log in to unmask], but is not subscribed to any lists (and
isn't in the signup file).
If I
        add foo [log in to unmask]
        add foo [log in to unmask]
the second will fail.
If I
        add foo [log in to unmask] Susan Doe
        add foo [log in to unmask] Joseph Brown
both adds will succeed, but [log in to unmask] will now has a new
entry in the signup file (Prof. Susan X. Doe will be replaced by Susan Doe).
One option is to do the add without the name, scan the log for failures,
and readd those names that failed (with the full name included). I'd like
to avoid that :-)
Is there a way to do this more easily? Is there something I'm missing?
Suggestions, please!
 -- [log in to unmask] Listserv Manager At Syracuse University --