>The rest of us disadvantaged folk greatly appreciate
>instructions/suggestions on how to obtain use of these tools, and the
>posting of search results from people with access.
Not to mention instructions on how to use the tools we DO have.
I just discovered there's an NSLOOKUP on my C:\ drive (it's a networked PC
that came with all SORTS of things we were never told about), no icon
anywhere in our basic Windows groups, I groped my way through getting the
icon into a group (hey, look, I *still* consider myself a computer
illiterate, well, perhaps semi-literate) and clicked on it, got the window
okay (once it dawned on me I should have Winsock turned on -- when I did
that, I found about ten NSLOOKUP windows waiting patiently for me ...), but
THEN what?
I fed in the address of where our listserv resides, the big what's-going-on
window displayed the words "Query:All records [ALL]:", then, after a few
seconds, the words "Complete:TIMEOUT", which is NOT very helpful.  Am *I*
doing something wrong?  Is *it*?
I click on "About" and only get the info on whence the NSLOOKUP comes.
Thanks, VERY useful.  There's no HELP button.  Not even a Don't Panic
I could ask our computer staff, with whom I'm on good terms, but at the
moment they're really overworked, and this sort of thing isn't in my job
description anyway.  I could easily do it when I go out to sushi with them
(how a computer semi-literate ever rated the privilege of being the one
non-computer person in that group I'll never know, perhaps it's just that
finding people who like to eat their fish raw is hard enough without being
choosy <grin>), but what with one thing or another I forget ...
Anyway.  My apologies for having burdened upon you my Computer Gripe for
Today.  (Yesterday's was downloading Netscape 2.0 and finding out I didn't
consequently didn't have disk space to run ANYTHING anymore.  <sigh>)  All
programs should come with help-files written with total amateurs in mind,
is what I say.
>Mike Holloway
Mario Rups
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