On Fri, 16 Feb 1996, Sue Paduano wrote:
> One of my list members is having a problem when she posts email to
> anywhere not just my list.  That is her school has her whole address and
> telephone listed in her email in the posted messages.  Is there anyway I
> can set her up through a buffer zone?  I can understand why this is
> embarassing to her although this is not listserv's fault.  The address
> she is talking about gets placed in the body of the message upon every
> post that she makes to any body.
I think that the school has created a .sig file for her that gets
appended to each message she sends.  If she has a unix account, have her
do an "ls -a" and see if she lists a .sig or .signature file.  If so, she
can just remove it.  If it's a vm or a vax, she can go to her file list,
and erase her signature file.   Seems to me to be the easiest way to
solve the problem.
Adam Gold
Yes I'm going to graduate someday, No I don't know when!!!