On Fri, 16 Feb 1996 00:02:18 -0500 Automatic digest processor said:
>The REPRO option doesn't get set for the users wolf and bozo.  If
>I subscribe a user after the list has been created, the user will get
>the correct default-options that I have set for the list.  Couldn't
>this be considered a bug??  Since the list of subscribers goes at the
>end of the put statement, the default options should be known before
>processing the subscribers and be set accordingly for the users.  Has
>anyone else discovered this?
Yes... it's a "feature", not a bug.  (The definition of "feature",
of course, is "documented bug". :-)  And, actually, there's a bit
of rationale behind it... since an owner can GET a list with all the
subscribers (as well as start up a list with subscribers in place),
if you change the default-options, you *don't* want to change people
who've already perhaps SET their options to something entirely different.
That's a good way to really get your subscribers whining...
I ran into the problem when I put LISTSERV list requests in an online
web-based form with a perl processor script, then shipped the whole thing
over to our VM machine where LISTSERV runs.  From that point, when I get
the thing in mail from the perl script, I have an XEDIT macro that handles
the rest of the processing, including picking up the default-options and
doing a QUIET SET for them (via interactive command to LISTSERV) for all
the initial subscribers to the list.
It may not be pretty or elegant, but it works for me.