I am looking for someone to host a very educational and exciting list that will
concern topics relevant to the country of Belize. Belize is a third world
country located in Central America that recently gained access to the internet.
There is no other list concerning Belize. Most of the members that have
expressed interest in the group have been undergraduate and graduate students.
However, my university does not have a list server therefore I am asking for
some generous site to host the list.
                       Discussion of Belizean culture, lifestyle, politics,
                                       economy,education and sports and other
topics relevant to                        Belize.
Proposed Name:
General Topics:
                       Belize Lifestyle, Economic Agendas, Political
Ideologies,                        Sports Performances, Educational
Achievements and                                Policies.
Target Audience:
                       Anyone interested in Belizean Current Events
Est. # of subscribers:
Est. # of daily msgs:
Visit the Belize Web Links at  http://amanda.uams.edu/persons/IAN/belize.html
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