On Mon, 18 Mar 1996, Edvard Tuinder wrote:
> `sensitive' information among a group of people. Unfortunately I have to
> deal with a totally freaked out security manager so every used option
> must be accounted for. Sigh...
> Confidential= Yes
> Subscription= By Owner
> Editor= <somedude>
> Send= Editor
> X-Tags= No
> Validate= Yes, Confirm, NOPW
> Review= Owner
> Notify= Yes
> Are these options good enough to create a closed list to which no one can
> subscribe or post unless authorised by the editor/owner?
Don't think so.  Without any serious thought I can see easy workarounds.
List security stuff just keeps honest people honest, as the cliche goes.
There is no net security and even less (if that's possible) list security.
Just how "sensitive" is this stuff?  If it is as super secret as your
admin. thinks it is the answer is simple.  Don't put it on the net.
       Douglas Winship   Hays County, Texas  [log in to unmask]
                    Secondary AUTOCAT Listowner