At 11:04 PM 1996/03/30 -0500, Geert K. Marien wrote:
>   All of a sudden, a site (PATCHBAY.COM) started sending back all posts
>from one  of my lists  to the  list with a  From: field of  the original
>   Has anyone else had this happen?
We once had this happen to one of our lists.  A system manager was setting
up a board on his system on which our list messages would appear.  He
created an account called KIDCAFE from which he subscribed to our KIDCAFE
mailing list.  The messages sent to [log in to unmask] were posted so
everyone on his system could read them.
Next he wanted to make it easier for kids on his system to send to KIDCAFE.
They had trouble with [log in to unmask], so he created an alias for
KIDCAFE on his system that pointed to the real list address.  <sigh>  We got
everything back we sent out.
We also had a similar problem with a different system.  In that case there
were some user accounts on a system that reflected back all mail sent to
them.  If I remember correctly, the postmaster account was among those
affected!  In both of these cases, the problem was not intentional.
>   Before I go about finding out if it is intentional, I want to know if
>there  is  someway  to  avoid  this  crap  in  the  future.   If  it  is
>intentional, I  am already moving  things towards doing  something about
I assume that the duplicate messages were caught by LISTSERV so they were
not distributed to your list and that you have already deleted the
subscription causing the problem.  I don't think there is much more that can
be done on our end.  I'm afraid that stupidity is here to stay.
                               Peace,  Dan
<<  Daniel D. Wheeler - Education & Psychology, Univ. of Cincinnati  >>
<<  KIDLINK Director of Educational Services & Subscription Manager  >>
<<  Email: [log in to unmask]      URL:  >>