I was reading some info from CREN about BITNET winding down (sent out
02/28/96) and I am a little confused about the dates mentioned for BITNET
support. In the first part of the memo, a statement is made of support
through 12/31/96, but later on in the document, there is a recommendation
of support at least until the end of June. What is the difference between
the end of June and the end of December, or was this just a typo? If this
means that support is being dropped starting at the end of June with
support completely dropped by the end of December, does this mean that
LISTSERV/NJE will break starting in July? We have version 1.8a for VM,
but we are considering other packages and/or platforms. What I am looking
for is an idea of how much time we have left before LISTSERV/NJE becomes
  Thanks in advance for any info any of you may have.
   | Eric C. Anderson                |                                 |
   | Systems Support, (407) 823-5474 | "All that we see or seem is     |
   | University of Central Florida   |  but a dream within a dream..." |
   | Orlando, Florida  USA           |             -- Edgar Allan Poe  |