I am looking for someone who would be willing to host a small mailing
list on their server (and to help a fledgling listowner through startup).
Proposed Name:  NEWTD-L (Net Waste of Time Nomic Game Discussion list)
Topic:  I run a Email version of Nomic out of [log in to unmask]
Discussions on proposals in the game take place between voting players.
This list would contain those discussions.
Est. number of subscribers:  6-10.  We intend to limit the size of
the game to this number, and no-one else should have any reason to
listen in.  In fact, we'd like to make it a closed list (only
subscribers may post, must get clearance to subscribe).
Est. Traffic:  ~ 50KB/week.  I'm currently getting about 50 messages a
week, about 1/3 of which would go here.  I expect the number to double
when the players can simply mail the list rather than me, and have me
resend when I have time (which is what I'm doing now).  It would be nice
to have archival (for a month back or so), but not necessary.
NEWT is a non-profit game - we're a group of friends from UWaterloo and
UCalgary who want to hash out laws for ourselves.  If you wish to find
out more about NEWT, please mail me, or look at the WWW Game status
at http://crypto2.uwaterloo.ca/~mfare/nomic/index.html.  If you would
be willing to host this group, let me know.  I read this group (though
probably not for long enough yet :-) and I have read the mailing
list comparison FAQ.  If there is anything else I should read, please
let me know that, too.
Thank you for your consideration.
Michael Farebrother - Mycroft - Speaker for Net Waste of Time.
[log in to unmask] - NEWT stuff
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