   We are contemplating leaving BITNET (CREN) in the near future. Is it
possible to still use listserv (version 1.8a) and lmail (version 1.2a/1.8a)
without a BITNET connection? I know that both packages will eventually
start complaining about the nodes file being out of date. Is there a
way to modify the file or the software to supress that message?
   We would like to continue to use listserv for VM and upgrading to
the current supported versions is just too much money for us to spend
right now.
   Any suggestions you all may have will be appreciated.
   | Eric C. Anderson                |                                 |
   | Systems Support, (407) 823-5474 | "All that we see or seem is     |
   | University of Central Florida   |  but a dream within a dream..." |
   | Orlando, Florida  USA           |             -- Edgar Allan Poe  |