>What I need to know is if anyone has an "easy" way to convert the Bitnet
>addresses (e.g. INDYCMS) to Internet (e.g. INDYCMS.iupui.edu) on the
>various machines on these lists (over 300 of them) *without* screwing
>up the encoded stuff at the end of the record...
I do this by modifying the BITEARN NODES file and adding :NEWNODE tags
for the nodes involved.  Then put it on LISTERV's A disk and restart.
Careful though, you can't reverse this process.  After listserv does the
changes, remove this customized BITEARN NODES file.
   Bill Verity  (814)-865-4758     [log in to unmask]
   215 Computer Building, University Park, PA 16802
   Center for Academic Computing, Penn State
   Postmaster - psuvm.psu.edu      Listserv and Mailer maintainer