On Fri, 1 Mar 1996 10:27:49 CST Garrie Burr said:
>Jon Eidson <[log in to unmask]> said:
>>With CREN announcing the passing of bitnet-nje, I was wondering if
>>any of the bitnet gurus might give all the configuration changes
>>required for us old bitnet folks to go 100% internet.  While I know
>>some of the areas that need changing, I thought it might be nice
>>to get it directly from "the horses mouth" so to speak ;-)
>My boss just handed me the memo 'Winding Down BITNET-NJE' and I was
>going to ask you all about this, too.  What, if any, changes will we
>implement to keep LISTSERV functional?  Does this announcement mean
>really that BITNET is going away in December?  What other issues will
as said in my last mailing, please wait. also please re-read that
announcement. it does *not* say, that NJE will definetly will go
>we have to worry about during the change if we have to change?
>I'm a newbie (obviously), with barely a month in this position, so these
>questions come with an apology in advance for any possible ignorance...
>Garrie Burr
>Washington University in St. Louis