OK.. here's the situation.. the posting went out about CREN wanting to
wind down Bitnet, and I'm stuck with the implementation plan.  I've got a
grip on most of it, but I need a ruling on one technical detail:
Node VTVM1 already has a :internet.vtvm1.cc.vt.edu tag, and has for
literally years.  Now, if I add a :newnode.vtvm1.cc.vt.edu, this will
change all the Listserv subscriptions.  This we understand.
The question is - after I do this, will my users still be able to use
'TELL' to manage their Listserv subscriptions until such time as we
actually depart Bitnet?
                                  Valdis Kletnieks
                                  Computer Systems Engineer
                                  Virginia Polytechnic Institute