On   Tue,    19   Mar    1996   16:19:30    EST   "Eric    C.   Anderson"
<[log in to unmask]> said:
>In the first  part of the memo,  a statement is made  of support through
>12/31/96, but  later on in  the document,  there is a  recommendation of
>support at least  until the end of June. What  is the difference between
>the end of June and the end of December, or was this just a typo?
CREN's fiscal  cycle runs from July  to June, so last  summer people paid
CREN for  service until  the end  of June. When  I saw  the two  dates, I
assumed CREN  was trying  to actively discourage  people from  creating a
mess during their current cycle, as people who paid good money for a year
of  service might  complain  that  there had  been  no adequate  warning.
December 31 is when the GUMNCC's funding officially runs out.
>If this means that support is being  dropped starting at the end of June
>with support completely  dropped by the end of December,  does this mean
>that LISTSERV/NJE will break starting in July?
I don't  think it means  anything other  than "CREN recommends  you leave
BITNET  by the  end of  the year".  The people  who run  the BITNET  core
learned  the news  by reading  usenet (at  least I  did); there  has been
absolutely  *no* technical  coordination or  discussion of  this decision
among the  core operators. Similarly, there  is no *plan* for  a graceful
shutdown. Nobody knows  what's going to happen, and  nobody is organizing
it. I think  people who were waiting  for an official signal  to drop out
will drop out, and others will stay. But nobody knows what will happen or
when, because there is no plan, no organization, no coordination, etc.