Hi Net,
I have had the postmaster at a site that has periodic problems
with the List I manage as well as others.  It is the usual
problem: contract programmers come in, subscribe to certain lists,
finish their work and leave but don't unsubscribe.  I had
sent her a message asking what the problem in delivering mail
to so-and-so was and got her reply that he wasn't there, and
this wasn't the first time something like this had happened.
Yet I know L-Soft will unsubscribe folks under certain conditions.
I don't know what kind of message has to be generated for this
to happen, but would be happy to pass the info on to her....
According to the mail header on both her mail and the sample
that bounced, this is:
  X-Mailer: Novell GroupWise 4.1
Does anyone know whether this is configurable?  Thanks,
  -- Joe Kelley
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