On Fri, 19 Apr 1996 12:57:00 EDT Peter M. Weiss +1 814 863 1843 said:
>My guess is that you are expending much more time than is
>necessary trying to manage somebody else's e-mail
   The point is well taken, but sometimes it is not at all clear
   in the returned mail why it was not delivered, and it may
   happen on a few pieces then stop.  So far I have been reluctant
   to delete ids until I have a handle on the problem (or it just
   keeps up with no end in sight), though I am getting freer with
   delete that i used to be.  I would be happy to let the monitor
   handle this.  There are several large service providers that
   could use the info (or so it seems - I have routinely had to
   delete their ids).  Well, it is just a thought, -- Joe
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