Can anybody explain why I periodically get the following message?  I am
running a list on 1.8b software on an AIX platform and am a list owner.
Out of the 100+ times I have issued the command, this response has come
back 3 or 4 times.
In case anyone's wondering, I do not send passwords with the commands I issue
since my e-mail is on the same node as my list; I found a while back that that
negates the need for command pwds.
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Your command:
   quiet add shotimes-l [log in to unmask] Richard Keddy
has been received. For security reasons, you are now required to reply to
this  message, as  explained  below,  to confirm  the  execution of  your
command. Note  that the security  level of the  list is under  list owner
control,  and that  is the  person  you should  contact if  you have  any
complaint about security procedures.
To confirm  the execution of  your command,  simply reply to  the present
message and type  "ok" (without the quotes) as the  text of your message.
Just the word "ok" - do not  retype the command. This procedure will work
<blah, blah, blah, snip>