On  Fri,   5  Apr  1996   14:36:17  -0600  Bob   Jackiewicz  312-413-1258
<[log in to unmask]> said:
>What does "requires RSCS" mean? Is it that you just need an RSCS server,
>or does it  also need to be  connected to the outside world?  And if so,
>why? Wouldn't distributes  be handled via SMTP? Or is  this the basis of
>the NJE version, that distributes are handled via NJE? Wouldn't :newnode
>take care of this distribution problem?
Again, with enough tinkering and patience,  you can kludge things so that
OUTBOUND mail  delivery works.  However, you  will not  be on  BITNET any
longer. Consequently, you will have to be removed from PEERS NAMES, since
you will not be  reachable via BITNET any longer. You  cannot be added to
INTPEERS NAMES because this requires the  TCP/IP version. So, you will be
operating an isolated, standalone server. You will not receive updates to
LIST GLOBAL, and so on.
As  far  as  lawyers  are  concerned,  LISTSERV-NJE  without  NJE  is  an
unsupported  environment. L-Soft  will  not help  with  problems in  this
environment and L-Soft will not sell you maintenance for a server in this
>What about BITNET nodes which are subscribed to our lists? Does :newnode
>work both ways, ie other ListServs turn our node into InterNet style,
>and we turn other nodes to InterNet style?
Not unless they have a :newnode.
>Also, what about owners who have BITNET style addresses on lists?
List headers must be changed manually.
>I don't understand this last paragraph. I think you're talking about the
>value 'node' in LOCAL SYSVARS. Isn't this obtained using the ID command?
>If so, won't that always return an NJE node value?
Yes, but :newnode  internally converts all references to the  NJE node to
its  Internet equivalent.  The server  will boot,  but when  it talks  to
itself the command will come from the Internet address.