On Tue, 16 Apr 1996 15:13:57 +0200, you said:
> now, if i'm fast enough, i simply delete them from all other lists and of
> course serve-off them before they're actually start spamming.....
> p.s.: now, maybe someone with some spare-time can automate this ;-)
Well, what *we* do is try to avoid having any "open" lists (we run our open
lists as "open,confirm".  Then to automate, you just have the bounce messages
go to a "postmaster" userid that runs a filter that looks for "to confirm your
subscription" messages that bounce because of "user unknown" or "mail;box
full", and on the 3rd or 4th such, just issue a 'QUIET DEL *".
I've got this about 75% automated already.. ;)
                                Valdis Kletnieks
                                Computer Systems Engineer
                                Virginia Tech