> >I hope it doesn't unduly fragment the discussion.  Are there really
> >that many things to talk about that are unique to the NT environment?
> Perhaps not to the NT environment, but certainly to the migration from
> one platform to NT.  Given the number of subscribers (16) joining the
> list in just one day, I'd say that a number of others feel the list
> is worthwhile, too.
One of the 16 was me, but don't count me as endorsing the idea of
another list.
> >Sometimes it's hard enough to figure out whether something should be on
> The discussion of doing migrations is definitely more pertinent to
> LSTSRV-L than LSTOWN-L.  However, there are those of us on DIGEST
> who don't want to wade through (or save) entire digests just to keep
> one piece of information pertinent to migration.  There's also the
> concept of trying to document the trials and tribulations of actually
> doing a migration that will (with luck) be helpful to those following
> behind and perhaps also to Nathan who is trying to write the LISTSERV
> Maintainer's manual which has a chapter devoted to migration.
> From a personal standpoint, I'm looking for people to share information
> in order to help our migration go more smoothly and also to let other
> people know what I've found out.  If a number of us band together,
> we may be able to create something of a standardized procedure out
> of the migration.
Well, we are doing a migration too, but it's to the Unix version, not
NT.  However, many of the things we've found out apply to any version
of LISTSERV, not just to Unix.  I won't be posting those or anything
new we find out to the NT list.  If I do post, it will be to LSTSRV-L.