[Phil Schwarz]
> How  about  a  feature that  would  instruct  Listserv to simply  swallow
> bounces   containing a certain string,    such as "transient failure", or
> containing  the  address of   a  particularly  verbose mail  server  that
> complains   a  lot  about transient  delivery    outages with  do-nothing
> messages?
> Is that too costly a performance hit to justify?
That's what Full-Auto does right now ... if it understands the message, and
it's temporary, it simply eats it without taking any action at all.  It's a
big performance hit if you let the error-causing addresses build up -- some
addresses with  "temporary" errors can stay that  way for months, so unless
you have some way to   remove the addresses  your server  can end up  doing
little but processing bounces.  One way to handle the situation is to set a
short Renewal time on your list, so that sooner  or later (sooner, that is)
the failing address will  also fail to  confirm  its subscription,  and the
problem there will end.
However,  that   said, it sounds like   there  is  a   new, improved bounce
processing algorithm in 1.8c.  If your site doesn't use Sendmail you'll get
to take advantage of it :-(
"But doesn't it kill romance?" you say.
And I say,
"What doesn't?"           [Jane Wagner]